This is a sketchbook page from a while ago, but it feels fitting for where I find myself now. Most of this picture is collage, which I like working with & haven't shown much of on this blog yet. I called this piece "Gateway for the Ancestors" , & here we are again heading for Halloween, when many of us will be honouring the Ancestors .
I love this point in the year , these precious days of golden autumn light before the clocks go back an hour & the evenings get dark earlier, and we have been having beautiful weather here in West Wales.
I find myself in a threshold phase again , after selling a lot of paintings this summer I have had a low energy phase, a time for inner work & meditiation. I know one function of this time will be to usher in a new lot of artwork, and that it will change the way I ask for healing for others too. I am familiar with this rhythm, I know it is feeding me & calling me to let myself grow beyond the familiar, though part of me is frustrated by the inactivity.
New work is brewing, 1/2 finished paintings are waiting in my studio, & people are waiting for me too.
Its so important to wait & trust these times in our life rhythms.
So my next posts may not be of new finished paintings, but more about the process of my work. Thank you so much those of you who have fed me back encouragement for talking about my work in this way.